March 7, 2012

A few weeks ago I have received my Daniel Wellington watch and have been wearing it ever since, I just fell in love with the amazing design and functionality it has. You'll be seeing it a lot in my future posts as well.


This what the founders of this brand say :

Daniel Wellington was a man with a colourful personality who had an inspiring ability to be gentlemanly, relaxed and unpretentious at the same, something we’ve had in mind when developing our first collection. The brand Daniel Wellington is a tribute to the man with the same name. Daniel Wellington breathes fashion and have a genuine interest when it comes to watches. When we developed our first collection we have chosen to focus much on the face symmetry to get a thinner casing that is closer to the wrist and thus creates a better feel and a nicer watch. Daniel Wellington, in short, a source of inspiration in what we do and we are therefore trying to convey our view of him and his style through our collections.

And I have to announce the winner of Flesh Machine giveaway, it is comment number 18 , congratulations Jovana!


  1. Jako mi se svidja sat,
    a i fotke su super! ^^

  2. Ma meni se tek sad sve svidja kad sam dobila majicu :D U totalnoj sam euforiji od srece. Prvi put da dobijem nesto od tih silnih poklanjanja :D
    Taj filter koji koristiš na fotkama je odlican!

  3. Predobar je!
    Samo još da dodam, ovaj viktorijanski/barokni okvir za slike, ogledalo, šta već je odličan!Obozavam takve okvire:))

  4. Ne mogu da ti opisem koliko i se svidja sat...And hvala na commentu ;)

  5. divan sat...izgleda tako vintage....svidjaju mi se efekti na slicicama...

  6. Sjajan je sat, a slike vrhunske! Uvek se oduševim:)

  7. Pregledala sam malo DW sajt i imaju fenomentalne satove!
    Slike su super :)

  8. wow, tek sam sada prvi put videla tvoj blog...I vidim da sam dosta toga propustila. ovo mi je ubedljivo najbolji muski blog koji sam IKADA videla! toliko!:)

  9. predivan je i bas ti lepo stoji :*

  10. WOW!!!
    Sat je jednostavno savršen!
    Toliko originalan, skroz ide uz tebe ;)

  11. Premocan sat...dugo nisam vidio boljeg ...zavidim ti :)

  12. Slazem se sa vecinom, sat je stvarno odlican. Jednostavnost koja pleni!


  13. uh, kako mu je dobra narukvica!

    jedva cekam da vidim kako ces ga nositi :)

  14. Obožavam tvoju frizuru :)A sat je još bolji :)

  15. Zna li tko gdje se može kupiti ovakav sat povoljno?
